My dad has been a rock for me all of my life, but most especially since Jason's diagnosis and death. During the entire 6 months that Jason battled leukemia, my dad was so incredibly strong for me. He was always there. I don't say that to sound cliche' rather that statement best describes who Gary Shows is. He was so faithful to visit me and Jason in the hospital. He was always more than willing to stay with him in order to give me and Brad a break. (Even though Jason preferred Brad as sometimes my dad was known to snore and keep Jason awake! haha!) Every time we heard bad news from Dr. Bellare, he was always first to arrive on the scene. His mere presence brought me great comfort. He was with me (along with Sherri) in ICU the morning after Jason went into cardiac arrest. We arrived at 5:30 a.m. only to hear from the ICU physician that based on his initial assessment, he did not believe Jason had any brain activity, but that further testing would be done just to be certain. I wanted to collapse and I could because my dad was there to pick me up and hold me close. My dad has officiated many funerals in his ministry and I am sure having to conduct Jason's was the most difficult one he's ever had to do, yet he did it so willingly. Just knowing he was in that role brought me HUGE comfort. He has stepped up to the plate with my children like they were his very own. Although he jokes with me sometimes about his added responsibilities since Jason's death, (mainly my yard and sometimes the extra kids spending the night at his house:) I know he loves me and the kids with an unconditional love. I know that at any time of need, he is just a phone call away. He certainly gets MANY phone calls, too! :) I am so blessed to have him as my dad. There is so much more to say about him, but the most important thing I can say about him is his steadfast love for our Heavenly Father. His love for Him has been passed down to me and now to my children. What a legacy!
Even as I hurt for my children because they can't celebrate Father's Day with their earthly father, I am reminded that we ALL can celebrate our Heavenly Father on this day. His love for us is more than we can even comprehend sometimes and even greater than any earthly Father could ever give. For that I am thankful. So, Happy Father's Day to my dad as well as the ultimate Father!
How deep the Father's love for us
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
And make a wretch His treasure
How great the pain of searing loss
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the Chosen One
Bring many sons to glory
Behold the man upon the cross
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice
Call out among the scoffers
It was my sin that held Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished
I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection
Why should I gain from His reward
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom
Why should I gain from His reward
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom
P.S. Happy Father's Day to Uncle Brad, Uncle Scott, Papa, and Bob-B, too. Thank you for standing in the gap for Anna Lea, Jon Brent and Ally. I am MOST appreciative for your love and sacrifice to them. :)
I can't believe I'm getting to post first. Yippee!!
You know how much I love me some Gary. He has ALWAYS been a consistent servant of God and my family has been the one of the many recipients of his giving. I will never forget him walking into Pine Grove Baptist church nearly 6 years ago for my grandaddy's funeral; a man he never met. It meant so much to me & my family.
Please give your dad a big hug for me.
Love you & praying you through this day,
Happy Father's day G.
Amen sister! one of my favorite verses is EPH 3:18, because no matter what kind of roller coaster ride life can take us on, He is always there! "How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ..."
Stephanie, I have been praying for you and your kids today. I know its been a rough year and especially rough today. Jason has left a legacy in Anna Lea and John Brent, and Ally as well. I am continuing to pray for your family and enjoy reading about your family.
What a wonderful testament to your dad's love for you and your family. God surely provided you with what you needed when he chose your earthly dad. Praying for you and your family as you grieve over Jason.
Such a sweet post Steaphanie..yet again your strength amazes me!
LOVE the kiddos outfits! :)
You are blessed INDEED! I love, love, love Gary Shows.
A beautifully written post for a well deserving Dad. He's one of the very best. Hug "G" for me.
Love you,
Let me introduce myself, my name is Kim and I am a graduate of USM. I live in AL now, but I go home all the time bc my mom has cancer. I found your blog and I tell you, I admire you and I also like to read your blog! Your family are in my prayers!
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