Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Below is a devotion I read by my none other than my favorite...Beth Moore. I know you are surprised. I want to share in its entirety.

God's primary purpose in healing us from our hurts is to introduce us to new depths of relationship with himself.

Lord, in my heart I plan my course, but You determine my steps. (Prov. 16:9) Life is not going as I planned. But I am so grateful that You are not caught off guard. You knew everything that would befall me. So please direct my steps as You determine. I need you, Lord. Carry me when I cannot walk. For though I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve my life. Stretch out Your hand against the anger of my foes. With your right hand, save me. You will fulfill Your purpose for me. Your love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not abandon the works of Your hands (Ps. 138:7-8).

I thought a long time on these few sentences. I have cried out to my Lord A LOT since July 12th as to why this was the path He chose for me. I've questioned His ways, but knew His ways were not our ways. I tell people all the time that I certainly would LOVE to have my husband by my side right now and for us to be living the life we planned, but I can say with CONFIDENCE, I would NOT change the depth of the relationship I have with my Savior right now. I say that with caution as not to sound prideful.

I came to know the Lord when I was very young and for the most part I have tried to live a life pleasing to Him, but I have failed miserably in lots of areas. There have been lots of different circumstances and people that have stretched my faith. Things that have deepened my walk with the Lord, but NOTHING has allowed me to see how deep the love our Father has for us until this journey.

God's word means so much more to me now. It is ALIVE and ACTIVE in my life. I cling to it like I never did before. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed reading God's word, but I have never longed to hear His promises like I do now. So much of God's word is in the songs we sing and I do sing them differently because of this journey. I have come to know Him in such a deeper way than I did before. He's always been my Savior, but He has become so much more. My sustainer, my comforter, my peace, my ALL!

So, as I reread the first statement of this devotion I am ever thankful that my Lord IS healing my heart by "introducing ME to new depths of relationship with Himself."

He has a perfect plan and purpose for Stephanie Weathers. Marrying Jason was one of them and I'm forever thankful for that blessing. Losing Jason was another plan and although it hurts tremendously right now, I pray I will be found faithful to the One who ordained it all.
Oh Father, please don't abandon the works of your hands!


her said...

oh Steph...I am not God but I am assured that you are being found faithful in His eyes!

We are to do all things as if to God than to self...and you my dear one do not have any neon sighs hanging on your doorpost that says ME,Me!

God is blessing your obedience and sanding off those corners and one day- one day you will be privleged to see His continued plan for your life!

And I know it's gonna be good!
Hugs and kisses to you and those sweet kids!
Joy, Ms Debi

the beach bum said...

Good stuff as always. When I grow up, I want to be able to write like you, Steph. Really.
Press on, my friend!

Always a Southern Girl said...

What a comforting devotion. God is ALWAYS there. We have been doing a series at our church on trials and how God uses them. Press on my friend! The prize is in Heaven@!

Laurie in Ca. said...

Sweet Stephanie,

Girl, from where I am, across the miles from you, I am humbled as I have watched you stay the course with our Lord. You have not failed Him and He will not fail you, ever. I know that He is so pleased with you in your obedience to walk this path with Him. You make Him proud and you are His daughter. I think of you and the kids so often and I ask Him to bless you abundantly as you endure this path day by day. You are teaching me so much as I read of your faithfulness to Him. I love Beth Moore too and this devotion you write of today speaks to so many of the families I am praying for right now. Thank you for ministering to me. I love you with all my heart and am proud to call you my sister in Him. I am with you in spirit on this path you walk and my prayers are yours.

Love and Hugs, Laurie

Anonymous said...

I love Beth Moore too, but everytime I read one of your entries, I am drawn closer to Him. Thank you for letting God use you to lead all of us closer to Him. Much love to you and your family. Laura Jo