Enjoy the pictures of the weekend...
Bob-B and G (Ashley's dad and my dad)
Scott with one of his good friends sweet baby girl
Scott and Anderson on the slide
"This is the day the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be glad in it!"
Bob-B and G (Ashley's dad and my dad)
Scott with one of his good friends sweet baby girl
Scott and Anderson on the slide
"This is the day the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be glad in it!"
I come here tired. Tired of hurting. Tired of putting on a smile each and every day when inside I feel so very sad. Tired of being lonely even when surrounded by others. Tired from missing Jason so much that it physically hurts at times. Just tired. Not necessarily tired from lack of sleep. Maybe weary is a better word. Last Thursday we hit the 8 month anniversary of Jason's death. I really believed several months ago that at this point I would be at different point in the grief process. Sometimes I find myself very frustrated at where I am in the grief process. Not frustrated at God, but frustrated at myself.
I woke up recently in the middle of the night so angry that it was cardiac arrest that ultimately killed Jason and not the actual leukemia. I found myself googling cardiac arrest and respiratory failure all over again. I needed to know more medically. If I could have phoned a medical doctor at 2:00 a.m. to get a better explanation as to what happened, I believe I would have. Why? What would that change? Not a thing. I guess it is just how I have to work through this whole experience. I continually remind myself that my Lord is sovereign and His ways are perfect. I guess in my selfishness I wish I didn't have to hurt so deeply for His will to be accomplished.
Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness!
Lamentations 3:22-23
We are dressed in pink boas because we had tickets to see Broadway's Legally Blonde at the Orpheum in Memphis. Let's just say we were stopped several times in downtown Memphis by onlookers thinking we were celebrating someones birthday or a bachelorette party. We've never been known for drawing attention to ourselves! ha!
I was very excited to see the kids on Sunday, but while driving home the loss of Jason crept in again. I knew I was returning to my reality of life without him. Then on Monday evening late I went to the mailbox to get the mail. When I opened the mailbox, I knew immediately what the long tube held. Jason's diploma. Remember, Jason was 4 months from graduating with a masters degree in nurse anesthesia when he was diagnosed with leukemia. I remember thinking so many times during Jason's battle with leukemia...so close yet so far away! However, Wolford College so graciously bestowed a posthumous degree to honor the work Jason did.
I opened the mailing tube with with a very sick feeling in my stomach. There it was...all of his hard work printed on a piece of paper. Immediately I thought in my flesh, "what a waste." I allowed myself to have a pity party for Jason and myself. Other thoughts such as, "all that work for nothing...he'll never even reap the benefits of all he did." In my selfishness I even thought, "I'll never reap the benefits of all the sacrifices we made for this piece of paper." Ouch. I am certainly not proud of those thoughts, but just being honest. As I sat there looking at the diploma with tears flowing down my face, it was as if the Lord spoke very clearly to me. "Stephanie, Jason IS reaping the benefits...just not the benefits you are thinking. He is reaping eternal benefits!" Wow.
I am so very proud of Jason and IF by chance Jason saw me last night opening his diploma, he would have said to me, "Steph, it's all good!" It is more than good for him now and one day it WILL be good for me again. Right now, I'll continue to trust in my Lord's sovereignty and believe that He will continue to work this pain for good!